Share your story.


What does “wearing the mask” mean to you?


Give an example from your life illustrating what it feels like to have to conform to societal norms to survive and thrive. If you’ve removed the mask, talk about the process. Why is this an important step in personal development and community transformation?

Please submit a video or written reflection to Hand-picked submissions will be showcased on our website and social media as part of our community-driven “We Wear the Mask” Reflections Series.

In the meantime, please check out the first few reflections in our series below!

Black History in the Making…
Chris Benninger Chris Benninger

Black History in the Making…

Now, more than ever, we must acknowledge the importance of not only Black history, but also Black history in the making. Paul Laurence Dunbar’s words about wearing the mask ring true today over a century later…

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What is “Structural Racism”?
Chris Benninger Chris Benninger

What is “Structural Racism”?

What is “structural racism”? Frances Mills, the Health Commissioner of the Cleveland Department of Public Health, lends insight into this topic as part of the “We Wear the Mask Campaign.”

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What does it mean to “wear the Mask” in the 21st Century?
Chris Benninger Chris Benninger

What does it mean to “wear the Mask” in the 21st Century?

Danielle Price of Healthy Cleveland kicks off our “We Wear the Mask” reflection series by talking about what it means for her to remove the mask. She also explains how socialization and critical thinking play a crucial role in reckoning with our past and moving forward.

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