Take Action

Following are 5 things you can do right now to continue the work of dismantling racism.

Masks Off Black Conversation.png

1. Use the “Masks Off” video series

Use clips from the “Masks Off” video series at your organization or workplace to encourage an honest dialogue around race and the work needed to dismantle racism.

2. Support local artists

The winning artists of the “We Wear the Mask” Campaign have already demonstrated a commitment to using art to transform hearts and minds. Look them up. Buy their work. Support their cause.

3. Invest in yourself

When it comes to dismantling racism, we’re all coming to the table with our own gifts (and our own baggage). If you can better yourself, you can better the community. Take time to invest in your own personal development. Whether that means learning more about diversity, equity, and inclusion… or maybe even taking the time for racial healing… we’ve got a handy resource guide to point you in the right direction.

4. Replicate the model

The “We Wear the Mask” Campaign used the transformative power of art to illuminate issues related to racism and inequity. Many of the things we’ve done can be replicated locally, nationally, and internationally. If you’re looking for ideas on adopting this model in a community near you, our “About” page provides a high-level summary of the work.

5. Become an Advocate.

Everyone can advance the work of racial equity in the context of their own lives. If you’d like to advocate for racial equity, we’d ask you to e-sign the following pledge as your public acknowledgment and commitment to the work at-hand.